Welcome to a journey within

Access new possibilities in yourself and your life!


The world needs you to shine!

Globally I believe we need more people living their joy, sharing their unique approaches for the betterment of our communities and planet as a whole.

Only in connection with ourselves can we offer our gifts to the world with ease and impact!

I feel incredibly blessed to be able to offer a unique blend of Zen Coaching & Results Coaching to others on their path of self discovery.

Coaching Testimonials 

How was your coaching experience?

“If life was a raging bull, Marenn helped me grab it by the horns and look closely at the cause of my discontent.


Perth, Australia

If life was a raging bull, Marenn helped me grab it by the horns and look closely at the cause of my discontent.

The Zen Coaching methods were very useful in guiding my attention back to the present moment and focussing on what I was feeling in the here and now. This practice has had lasting impact through days, weeks and months of regular micro-doses of mindfulness.

My story, like most people, is full of uncertainty and a chronic sense of tension. Uncertainty seemed to breed many problems, which was being compounded by my unhelpful reactions. This is what I have learned to confidently identify through an eleven-session package with Blue Wren Zen.

A relaxed positivity and encouraging environment was fostered through Zoom; landing the lessons right where they’re needed in my own personal space at home.

Marenn’s active listening is imbued with such quality that he knows when to politely interrupt, which question may penetrate your confusion, whether to invite stillness, or whether to probe the uncertainties in your mind towards a particular direction that carries significant weight in your personal story.

The coaching style was perfect for me, as someone who has spoken with counsellors and psychologists with no pathology of mind for them to isolate. The psychological discomfort was too subtle for the trained specialist to offer any meaningful response, yet Marenn would encourage me to simply sit with the worry, patiently, before suggesting how to proceed.

The focus on self-compassion creates a feeling you can readily recall at any time of day or night, when you notice your tension has returned.

With these Zen Coaching tools and resources, I feel 10,000% more confident in noticing the unhelpful behaviours and responding to them with renewed compassion in a timely and effortless manner.

Now I can return to focusing on self-actualization through contributions of greater value to my communities.” 



“Coaching has been a great addition to my repertoire of self care.”


Far South Coast, Australia

 “Thank you Marenn for working with me! I found the coaching process to be gentle, intuitive and affirming.

One of the biggest shifts I’ve noticed since working with Marenn is a renewed focus on presence. I am more able to stay in the moment and not anxiously project forward (which is my particular habit). I also have more self-compassion, and compassion for others around me, as I consciously try to connect with my/their unmet needs and vulnerabilities.

I chose zen coaching after years of using more ‘traditional’ therapies. I had the sense that I wanted to try something a little bit out of my comfort zone, and enjoyed exploring the ‘pathless path’ with Marenn.

Coaching has been a great addition to my repertoire of self care. “


“I felt a lightness even when present with intense emotions and blockages.”


Far South Coast, Australia

“My zen coaching sessions with Marenn have been quite profound. Each week we seem to go deeper and deeper. Together we reevaluate with curiosity and loving compassion all that is revealed.

It’s such a gentle approach and I’m trusting that its safe to explore so much that I’ve buried for so long.

Marenn holds space with compassion, whilst keeping me focused on what is important for me.

I felt a lightness even when present with intense emotions and blockages and supported to allow and release them.

I finished the three month package opened up to the mystery and joy of life.

I find Marenn inspiring and easy to work with so may well continue with more sessions in the future.”



“I came out feeling really clear. Really on purpose. Having myself much more tuned up.”


Far North Queensland, Australia

“I’m sitting here today feeling into myself and all the beauty I have in my life. I’m feeling clear in my soul, in my head, in my heart around who I am and who I want to give the world in my gifts and my purpose.

I’ve recently gone through a short series of coaching with Marenn over the last 6-7 weeks. It’s been a journey. Each session was really beautiful. Marenn held space for me to get clear and process what was alive in me. Marenn helped unpack me and uncover different parts of myself. 

My intention and purpose was to get a really clear punchy mission statement and purpose in life. Marenn supported me with various different techniques and gave me some great resources, which I was able to work through. I came out feeling really clear. Really on purpose. Having myself much more tuned up.

So Marenn with his gentle, soft, clear, intuitive, almost angelic nature has been so good, and I thoroughly appreciate his gift for the world, which is through his Zen Coaching. I thoroughly recommend Marenn.”


“Full mental clutter has shifted to spacious clarity and love for myself”


Barcelona, Spain

“After a one month Journey I am now noticing that I’m looking inwards to my inner resources for support, rather than outwards.

Full mental clutter has shifted to spacious clarity and love for myself.

I see my perspective changing from lack to abundance and am aware of the remaining forms of identification and how they no longer serve me.”



What sets Zen Coaching apart?

Zen Coaching supports people to discover their own inner wisdom and resources for integrated transformation.

  • Zen Coaching relates with each person as perfect whole, rather than something broken, needing to be fixed. 
  • Coaches are not in the business of being ‘experts’, diagnosing or prescribing advice.

  • Zen Coaches ‘help’ in non-typical ways that empower the client to find clarity and move forward in their own way.

  • As a coach I offer guidance for you to connect with ALL the parts of yourself, with loving awareness.

  • We integrate whole body ‘focusing’ to support immediate processing and healing.

  • Rather than a purely psychological (mental-mind based) approach, as a Zen Coach I support you to connect with your essential inner qualities (such as compassion, curiosity, strength, joy, playfulness, truth, clarity, determination ~ all available through spacious awareness) as a basis for powerful effortless action. 

Discovering the Mystery

Doorways to the self  

We live in a society which pushes us to value and pursue certain things and much of our precious time on this incredible planet is spent ‘doing’ activities that don’t make us happy or even contribute to a world we really want to live in…

“The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh

  • Experiencing our true value.                                                                       

  • Being present with and honouring all the parts of the self.

  • Discovering our true nature as essence and integrating our passions and gifts.

  • Inner healing through compassionate presence.

More Coaching Testimonials 

What people are saying continued…

“Marenn is open to feedback and seeks continual growth in his practice.

Tamsyn Coaching testimonial


Melbourne, Australia

I first had the opportunity to do coaching with Marenn in January 2021.

Through coaching sessions with Marenn, I have gained clarity about my own dreams and goals and worked towards them.

Marenn’s light playful presence-based approach has helped me to express myself, things that may not have come easily.

Working with Marenn has helped me to be in touch with some difficult feelings that were buried, allowing me to dissolve them.

I value his guidance in my visualising and articulating my own goals and dreams. His approach is gentle. He mindfully listens and has a way of shining a light on things, intuitive, but not prescriptive.

Marenn is open to feedback and seeks continual growth in his practice.

Marenn quickly brought a feeling of trust to the coaching. He has supported, held the space and guided me through these particularly turbulent times. He brings a strong presence to the session and has sent pertinent resources before and after the sessions. This supports you to work on things yourself, outside the session.

Marenn is a beautiful soul, who is passionate about what he does. He is deeply connected with nature and his own intuition.



“Letting go of these hurts has allowed a stronger connection to an internal place of joy and happiness!”


Far South Coast, Australia

Marenn’s guidance helps take the pressure off self enquiry. I can relax and sink into the truth of how I am feeling – and Marenn’s expert interaction helps me get to the bottom of these feelings to discover insight into the root cause.

Marenn is fantastic at creating a safe, calm space where I feel trusting to let deep emotions come up.

I have found the sessions very beneficial and have discovered many old hurts to let go of – that I wasn’t aware I was hanging onto. Letting go of these hurts has allowed a stronger connection to an internal place of joy and happiness!

Thank you Marenn.



Marenn provides me with a space to grow towards my best self.”


Berlin, Germany

Marenn’s coaching has been a form of meditative enquiry for me, which brings my inner experience to the surface. Marenn began by asking me simply to feel my feelings, and the intensity of that experience took me by surprise completely. I didn’t expect an act as simple as accepting the existence of my emotions to have such an impact on me.

Marenn is open and flexible, while having the gentlest way of making me aware of my behavioral patterns and tendencies. Most vitally of all, I walk away from each session with a complete clarity on my priorities.

The most important thing to me has been that I feel like Marenn provides me with a space to grow towards my best self. It’s incredibly valuable for me to have a space in which this is the only objective – in which no other person has a motive.




Transformation in 3 months

This transformational journey supports you every step of the way to gain the insight, change your mindset and transform your blockages into profound growth, rapid inner shifts and life transformation.

By the end of this journey your mindset will have completely changed. You will have experienced many inner shifts and feel more balanced and reconnected with yourself and your purpose. These transformations will be starting to cascade through your life bringing more ease to your relationships, improved health, and increased abundance in all areas of your life.

Your breakthroughs will open up to precise powerful actions that you will take as the stepping stones to achieving your dream life. You feel empowered to step more fully into living and expressing your unique gifts for the betterment of yourself, your communities and the planet.

All Inclusive Guaranteed Transformation Success Package

> Strategic transformation pathway for you to create powerful change in your life ($229)

> Series of 8 sessions building on each others success combining a powerful synergy of Zen Coaching and Dynamic Results Coaching approaches guaranteed to support powerful transformations in you so you can create and live your dream life. Sessions range from 60-90mins. (Value $2990)

> Co-created weekly action plan for practical step-by-step implementation (Bonus)

> Constant 24/7 on-demand support via text, voice note, +emergency phone call. (Value $1490)

> Additional resources to support and inspire your personal transformation (Value $290)

> Membership to the Vibration of the Heart Online Community whilst undertaking coaching (3 Months Value $199)

> Lasting inner transformation that will elevate all areas of your life towards greater prosperity and abundance (Priceless)

Total value = $6,698

Price for limited time = $1,490

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is today” African~Chinese Proverb.

*Package time is 3 months when first 4 sessions are weekly and remaining sessions are fortnightly. This can be adjusted to your personal wishes. 

Perpetual Success ~ Month to Month Coaching

Unlimited coaching* + unlimited in-between session support + Access to Vibration of the Heart Online: $659

Twice per month + unlimited in-between session support + Access to Vibration of the Heart Online: $359

Once per month + unlimited in-between session support: $199

Conditions: Access available after completing the Pioneer Silver or Visionary Gold. *Unlimited capped at 5 sessions per month.

Final Note: For people whose financial situation is delicate, and who feel a strong drive to transform their lives…please reach out and in some special cases we may be able to arrange a coaching scholarship, however I cannot guarantee it.



Free Strategic Pathway

* Zero risk free call to see if we are a good match.

* Together we will create a personalised path to move from your current situation to your dream vision. 

* Fill in a pre-session client questionnaire now so we can get the most out of our time together as possible.

Would you like to….

* Cultivate conditions for a healthy life 

* Be Free from the Inner Pusher, Perfectionist & Critic

* Approach life with curiosity & compassion

* Reprogram redundant habitual tendencies & limiting beliefs

* Coming home to your true self

* Access your inner resources

* Cultivate healthy boundaries

* Connect with your heart

* Learn the art of Surrender & Vulnerability

* Live in your self worth & value

* Heal your Inner Child 

* Understand your and heal your Family Constellation 

* Connect with Essence, Presence & Space

     * Learn the art of ‘Action from Being’

* Master Win-Win Communication

* Live in Abundance / Possibility Mindset

* Cultivate Daily Practices that support you

* Stay cool in difficult situations