Personal Transformation Events

We can experience moments of awakening for ourselves at any time. 



My wife Vera and I meld Yoga & partner Enquiry in support of deep self connection and nourishment

These monthly workshops offer us an opportunity to slow down and explore the present moment in complete freedom as we are. We are brought in contact with a sense of presence and spaciousness; from which life is more clear.

We begin by enjoying a beautiful 45 minute Hatha Yoga practice with Vera to drop into our bodies and connect with all layers of our being.

Marenn will then guide us into meditative partner enquiry. Enquiry is an effortless practice that supports us to deepen our connection with ourself and what is important in our lives.


We stay for longer periods of time in the asanas, so we not only reach an effect on the physical body but also in deeper layers of our being, like our pranic (life force), mental and spiritual body. As our bodies become still with a relaxed focus, our minds follow and the asana becomes a meditation. 


Enquiry is an effortless practice that supports us to deepen our connection with ourself and what is important in our lives. It is a chance to be totally free within your self and heal what holds you back.

When we accept and nourish who we are, with wakeful loving kindness, we cultivate our beautiful potential to contribute authentically to the world.

We connect with a partner in presence and openness. One person asks the question and then listens (listening meditation), holding space for the other to answer.

We are curious to discover what happens. The person answering (speaking meditation) shares spontaneously what comes in the moment heart, without thinking or preparation.

Answers are are short and the experience is more important than the words.

Moving through a sequence of prepared questions on the chosen topic supports effortless deepening.

Enquiry is like archaeology, at some points we hit gold, at other points dirt. Throughout the journey we discover for ourselves what is important for us right now.

We can discover any aspect of ourselves you can imagine and perhaps can’t yet imagine.

Enquiry can be practiced in a variety of ways making it a versatile self-development tool to take home.